Friday, December 17, 2010

Assange condemns investigations

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being held in a British jail on rape charges in Sweden. He says that the charges are fabricated and were made up just to make him look bad. He goes on to say that the world is angry with him for releasing documents, but he still wants to release them. If convicted he could face up to two years in prison, but he says that there is no evidence against him. Bail was set at over $300,000, but when Assange paid bail they wouldn't release him because of assassination threats.

I think this guy should be put in jail until he stops releasing documents. His website is endangering lives across the world. Many embarrassing things about the USA have also been released. He says that he is doing it for the greater good, but he is clearly not thinking straight. Hopefully, we arrest him on espionage charges.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

DREAM Act Appears to be Dead

The DREAM act, which one of Obama's ideas appears dead in Congress. The Senate Democrats have removed it from consideration, so it probably won't be considered again until next year. The Dream act deals with the hot issue of immigration, because it appears that just trying to deport all of the illegals isn't working. The DREAM act says that the illegal immigrant goes to college of joins the military then they will become a legal US citizen.

I think this is probably a bad idea. If all they could do is join the military, then it would be okay, but the college path is not the right one. All of the illegal immigrants are poor, so they will need a lot of financial aid. They will drain all of the money that US citizens should be receiving. This would be like a reward for the illegals, and punishing those US citizens that have worked hard and deserve the money.