Friday, September 17, 2010

Arrests amid pope's visit to London

The Roman Catholic Pope is on day three of his four day visit to London, and yesterday five guys were arrested on suspicion of terrorism. The five men ages 25-50 can be held for up 28 days under the Terrorism Act 2000. Many think it was a plot to kill the Pope. The Pope is on this trip to promote the religion and to spin it out of the negative light that many people currently see it in.

I think it is crazy how many terrorist threats and actual attacks there are these days. I know many people don't like the Catholic religion, but I would think that killing their leader wouldn't do much. Also, I think killing is against most religion's beliefs. I think that the Pope making this tour is good thing though, because many people see the Catholic religion in a negative light because of the sex scandals. I hope that the Pope can finish his European tour in safety and that is able to change many people's minds about Catholicism.

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