Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Explosion In Philly

A gas explosion in Philadelphia injured 4 people and killed one. It was caused by a gas leak and it set off 3 fire alarms around the area. Dozens of people evacuated their homes due to the gas explosion and the authorities finally got the fire under control at about 11 P.M. The body of the victim has been found but can not be identified and is being brought into further investigation. It set 2 other homes on fire and a truck nearby.

I think that it is bad that this stuff happens to innocent people. All though people can not ensure that still will happen it still in unfair. I hope that stuff like this someday in the future will be able to be fixed. I also hope that this will never occur in the history of the universe. Even though i really am not affected by this stuff it scares the living hell out of me that it can happen to anyone at any random point in time. I hope that my house is secure and it wont happen there so i can live a very successful life.

Obama, Hu to Meet With American CEO's


China's president, Hu, is coming to America to talk economics. Many big American businesses are sending representatives to the White House for this huge meeting. Some of the things being focused on are: increasing exports to China and more investment in American and Chinese companies by both countries. Strangely enough, American automakers are absent from the list of invitees, even as their stocks are surging once again.

I hope that this meeting goes well. Our economy is still struggling, but if we get help from China and we work together then both of us can get better economies. I think our automakers should be invited though because they are just starting to do better, and this could really help their foreign markets.

Shots Fired In Tuscon

Source :

The shooting in Arizona was searched and 31 casings of gun shells were found. It said that there was 30 rounds in the magazine of the Glock-19 gun and one was already in the chamber during the shooting. It said that he was trying to reload the gun during the shooting and because of that pause in time he was able to be tackled and the weapon pried from his hands. During the shooting luckily only 6 people were killed but 13 other people were wounded during the shooting. He legally bought the gun at a sportsman warehouse and later in the day before the shooting bought the bullets.

This guy is completely crazy. He clearly has mental problems, and maybe we need stricter gun laws. At least check to make sure the guy isn't a psycho before you sell him a gun. Hopefully, the Congress woman that was shot makes a full recovery, and I feel terrible for the victims and their families.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A state of emergency in crisis-ridden Tunisia

In Tunis, Tunisia rioters were tear gassed while doing peaceful protests. The were protesting poor living conditions and a lack of rights. Earlier this week the President fired some government officials, but the riots continued. Now, he has declared a state of emergency and dissolved the entire thing. He has said that he hopes to hold new elections within six months. People around the world are outraged at the obvious police brutality shown by the riot police. This brings further instability to the already unstable continent of Africa.

This seems like really bad news. The president now controls the entire government and he could become corrupt. Hopefully, with all of his power he makes good decisions for his country. Finally, I hope that the USA doesn't get involved. We are always getting involved in international issues, but we have plenty of our own to deal with first.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2 million fish found dead in Maryland


Another mass death of animals is now being reported. This time 2 million fish were found dead in Maryland. This come after thousands of blackbirds died in Arkansas after New Years Eve. The fish are almost totally juvenile spot fish, and experts are agreeing that the most likely cause is the extremely cold water temperatures. Another contributing factor was probably the unusally large number of this species of fish this year. The water could just not support all of the fish. This is at least the third time that a massive fish kill has happened in this area, the others were in 1976 and 1980.
This is crazy. I personally believe that the world is ending. Within the next year all of the animals of the world will most likely die and then humans will become extinct. First the birds, then the fish in Arkansas, and now the fish in Maryland. 2012 WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE. The Mayans were the smartest people ever. MEYER!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Strong signs of life for the job market


The job market is showing positive signs of life for the first time in the last couple years. According to one source 297,000 jobs were added in December. This is almost triple what was thought was going to happen, most experts were predicting 100,000 jobs to be added. The story went on to explain how small businesses, which are the backbone of our economy, are the ones that are really adding as they recover. Also, companies that are struggling are starting to cut less jobs, which shows that even they are starting to do better.
I think this is great news. After seemingly years of negative economic news, finally there is some positive stuff going around. The recession has personally affected my family because my dad lost his job a couple years ago. Hopefully, others have been able to find new jobs like my dad. This is a positive sign for our recovering economy.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Assange condemns investigations

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being held in a British jail on rape charges in Sweden. He says that the charges are fabricated and were made up just to make him look bad. He goes on to say that the world is angry with him for releasing documents, but he still wants to release them. If convicted he could face up to two years in prison, but he says that there is no evidence against him. Bail was set at over $300,000, but when Assange paid bail they wouldn't release him because of assassination threats.

I think this guy should be put in jail until he stops releasing documents. His website is endangering lives across the world. Many embarrassing things about the USA have also been released. He says that he is doing it for the greater good, but he is clearly not thinking straight. Hopefully, we arrest him on espionage charges.