Friday, January 14, 2011

A state of emergency in crisis-ridden Tunisia

In Tunis, Tunisia rioters were tear gassed while doing peaceful protests. The were protesting poor living conditions and a lack of rights. Earlier this week the President fired some government officials, but the riots continued. Now, he has declared a state of emergency and dissolved the entire thing. He has said that he hopes to hold new elections within six months. People around the world are outraged at the obvious police brutality shown by the riot police. This brings further instability to the already unstable continent of Africa.

This seems like really bad news. The president now controls the entire government and he could become corrupt. Hopefully, with all of his power he makes good decisions for his country. Finally, I hope that the USA doesn't get involved. We are always getting involved in international issues, but we have plenty of our own to deal with first.

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